About Admin

This author has yet to write their bio.
Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Admin contributed a whooping 44 entries.

Entries by Admin

The importance of advice

A client approached us as she had received a pre-retirement pack from an old company pension scheme, from a very well known high street name. This was for a relatively small plan value, and the pension offered was very small, at about only £70 a year. Our client asked if we could arrange for her […]

Update on Annuities

The FCA is going to force annuity providers to tell customers how much they can gain from shopping around. Providers will need to give customers personalised information on their options, and they will need to show how much the highest quote available on the open market differs from their own. This is a welcome step […]

One in three families in England could not pay their rent or mortgage for more than a month if they lost their job, a study for the charity Shelter suggests

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-37017254 Planning for this kind of event can often be a forgotten activity. Call or email us to look at protection costs, you’ll be surprised at how affordable peace of mind is. 01543 440300                           enquiries@acuityfinancial.co.uk

The cost of raising a child

In their 13th Annual Report on the yearly cost of a child LV Report that the headline cost of raising a child to 21 is now £231,843 making it more expensive than the average house. Also included in the report is the cost of childcare and babysitting, which now accounts for a staggering 30% of […]

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